Yesterday, Monday 18 July, was a rest day for us three girls. Lucy developed a bad cold on Sunday and we all needed to rejuvenate. We also had to catch up on many days of journaling including lots of scrapbooking and gluing of maps, ticket stubs and labels from purchases. Obviously I had beaucoup blogging to complete as well (was it 4 posts?). We went to the market and finished four loads of laundry.
We cooked one of our standard meals for dinner when Brian got home from work. Beans, rice and cheese at home is usually brown rice, black beans and shredded sharp cheddar. Belgian style includes quick-cook-in-a-bag basmati rice, white beans and little chunks of not so sharp cheddar. We don't have any measuring cups, not to mention that the regular box of rice, unbagged, mentioned measuring 60g of rice; they lost me there. The white beans were really tasty; phewsh because there were no black beans to be found in our regular "big" market, called GB. I haven't looked for black beans yet at the "bio" market (organic/natural foods), The Peas, although I did spot dried French green lentils there so I'm hopeful. We don't have a cheese grater and I forgot to buy previously shredded at the market. I did find familiar looking flour tortillas though.
Our fruit course had not-fully-ripened-yet nectarines and some red currants, the latter falling into the category of "well, they have a lot of them in the market so someone must like them; let's try them." I think I was the only one in our family to latch onto the red currents; I'll be eating a lot of them. I will say they were additionally delicious in my muesli this morning. Besides my measuring cup gap, maybe I'll try to bake with them at some point. And maybe try to sprinkle the berries with sugar for the kids. Although this photo is from a meal a few days ago, it is a clearer picture of our terrace and you can get a sense of the church construction next door as well.
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